where enum does not work


I was writing a generic method with enum as the Constraint, and the compiler spat a few errors that did not directly convey me that enums cannot used as generic constraints. I learnt the following from my investigation:

Following is an excerpt from the C# language specification for generic constraints

A class-type constraint must satisfy the following rules:

  • The type must be a class type.

  • The type must not be sealed.

  • The type must not be one of the following types: System.Array, System.Delegate, System.Enum, or System.ValueType.

  • The type must not be object. Because all types derive from object, such a constraint would have no effect if it were permitted.

  • At most one constraint for a given type parameter can be a class type.

A type specified as an interface-type constraint must satisfy the following rules:

  • The type must be an interface type.
  • A type must not be specified more than once in a given where clause.

There you have it. The specification deliberately restricts value types and enums as generic type parameters. But if you wish to specify a non-reference type as the primary constraint, a struct can be used.

private void Method where T : struct

We know that the numeric types like int, float etc in C# are declared struct (value type). An int (Int32) is declared as follows:

public struct Int32 : IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible, IComparable, IEquatable

Whereas an enum, though a value type, is declared as an abstract class that derives from System.ValueType; unlike int or float. However, the end result is enums are value types. Go figure!

Anyway, the question still remains unresolved – why enums cannot be used as constraints. Because the language specification says so is not satisfactory.

I am not sure if there is any other way to resolve my situation. Question open to cyberspace !!!

P.S. Refer section 25.7 through for the specification on Generic Type Constraints.