JS Programming in C# - Immutability

vivekragunathan vivekragunathan

Enough! JavaScript had us in its grip for long with its foot guns. The first time I heard the term Hoisting, I had no idea about it and misheard as hosting. You declare variables using var happily, and you have to come to peace with yourself that it is okay to hoist the vars (lift’em all to the top-most scope). I can’t believe JS convinced the rest of us that it was okay. Then came ES6 and saved us. let fixed the scoping. const provided immutability. At least now, you can say JavaScript supports functional programming.

JavaScript got feathers on its hat - let and const.

Even a kid would tell you that the top 2 facets of functional programming are immutability and functions as first-class citizens viz. Higher Order Functions (HOF). The other facets are equally important but without the top two, there is no functional programming.

From day one, C# has supported the ability to treat functions as first-class citizens through delegates. Yes, the concept of HOF wasn’t at its best in C# until the introduction of anonymous delegates or better lambdas later. But, hey, you were able to pass functions around as data.

That was one side of the coin - HOF. What about the other side - immutability? As you should know by now, Immutability is not a light subject.

It is a shame that even after 15+ years, C# doesn’t yet support immutability … fully.

C# supports (compile-time) constants (const), and a partial or rather peculiar support for immutable variables (readonly). With readonly, you can only declare immutable member variables. It cannot be used with local variables or method parameters. But here’s the peculiar part.

A readonly is still mutable within the constructor.

I wonder why.

Selling Immutability

I am a big fan of immutability. The confidence that an immutable variable provides is irreplacable. Once you start declaring immutable variables - assignable only once, the complexity of your code / logic untangles and assembles itself in steps. Individual steps of your logic wire smoothly in a chain / pipeline allowing each step to be tested independently.

Immutability for C#

I have not read (any) proposals myself but heard rumors, once or twice, of adding support for immutable variables in C#. Like I said, I haven’t looked into the proposals, so I am dreaming here.

There are several ways to get C# support immutable variables.

New Keywords/Quantifiers

  • val

    … as in Scala or pairing up with C#’s own var.

    Despite being succinct and using an establish convention, I don’t like this option because of two reasons:

    • var was invented primarily for automatic type deduction or what C# calls implicit typing specifically for LINQ queries that return anonymous types. Although the C# team was smart in making it more or less general purpose, it might have been better named auto. Since C# is not a purely functional language and is inherently imperative, it just so happens that var naturally got related to (mutable) variable.
    • var is restricted to local variables. It cannot be used as class members, method parameters etc.

    Should var be lifted outside function scope to class members and others so that val becomes an apt counterpart? In other words, var and val should be freely usable - local variables, members arguments etc. That won’t work because var on parameters does not make sense (an indication that var is auto) and val on class members overlaps with readonly.

    If var is not lifted, yeah maybe, val might work. Or maybe, not quite so. For instance, if we assign a LINQ query returning an anonymous type to a val, we would expect val to perform automatic type deduction. Although it is nice, val now is doing more than what we started with viz. immutable variables.

    Over the recent years, C# has been trying to appeal to the Java and JavaScript community more than its patrons. A val would appear to be an effort to appeal to the Scala community.

    Like I said, var and val pair up verbally but not in their purpose. There is definitely some noise around there.

  • immutable

    … in parlance with F#’s mutable.

    Of all the ways to declare variables, mutable and immutable, I like the F#’s most; better than Scala’s var and val. Like Scala, while F# supports mutable variables, you are required to specify it explicitly using the mutable keyword. But the beauty of F# is having to decorate the default let with mutable making it stand out visually.

    // F# code
    let imCount          = GetNoOfItems();
    let mutable mutCount = GetNoOfItems();

    Borrowing the idea, we could come up with an immutable keyword.

    // C# code
    int mutCount          = GetNoOfItems();
    immutable int imCount = GetNoOfItems();

    Does the job. Besides being mouthful, what do we with readonly? Two different keywords for essentially the same thing. This will be a catalyst for introducing yet another for immutable method parameters. Come on, this isn’t PHP 😂.

    If thrown for a vote, I am sure this option would lose.

Reuse Existing Keywords/Quantifiers

  • const

    A vehement No. A constant is different from an immutable variable. Any attempt to reuse will skew the meaning of existing conventions in C#. Case closed.

  • let

    Mixed feelings. let was schooled for LINQ queries. Although the (intermediary) variables declared through let are immutable[^1], it is not particularly obvious in an imperative language like C#. A let in C# does not suggest the same thing as in F#.

    Suppose we go with let, do we make it an independent keyword or a modifier on existing variable declarations?

    // C# code
    let immutableCount = GetNoOfItems();


    // C# code
    let int imCount	= GetNoOfItems();

    I prefer the latter because the former is on the same boat as val and implicit typing thing we discussed earlier. The latter seems to fit the bill. Just that let has got this unintended feel of a lame copy from F# and poorly applied. Do we really want that blame?

  • readonly

    If done right, this would be the perfect choice. Before dealing with the perfect side of it …

    • Scope wise, readonly is the opposite of var. A var is stuck inside methods while readonly is stuck outside. Oh, lovers apart! Earlier we discussed about lifting var outside the function scope. Here, we like to get readonly into function scope.

    • var is the equivalent of the actual type specifier (or the type auto-detected). readonly is a modifier on a type specifier. So, readonly goes well with var too. Lovers meet. So, readonly var imCount = … is as legit as readonly int imCount = ....

    • readonly is equivalent of F#’s mutable producing the reverse effect. A readonly in C# makes a variable immutable while mutable does the opposite in F#. Both are modifiers on variable declarations.

    So, shall we declare readonly the winner? Yes, but not quite. It is not a perfect choice yet. Because let us remind ourselves that readonly is a peculiar one.

    If we make one breaking change of no longer supporting readonly member variables mutable inside a constructor then readonly should be the perfect choice.

    I will argue that mutated readonly member variables today can be rewritten to once-assigned and truly immutable variables. So, a breaking change here is truly for the win.

Other side of the fence

Languages that started out as functional first like Scala, F# and others are well-off; as far as immutability is concerned. On some level, I would say C++ too has got it covered; nevertheless beware of quirks.

It shouldn’t be exaggerating to say that JavaScript has by far the largest community behind it; the support of which blessed it with let and const.

Let us take a moment to interrogate the arch rivals we created - C# and Java.

Java started out with support for immutability but not HOF; until the introduction of lambdas in version 8. So now, you can do functional programming in Java; or so they say.

On the other hand, C# started out with (a little crude) support for HOF and is still limping its way towards supporting immutability. No wonder, they are arch rivals. What an odd world we live in.

Needless to say, there should be other good options. Love to hear.

C# is a very carefully designed language. There is abundant written material to prove that. At the same time, it is man-made. So any limitations or shortcomings one should see should be seen with some love.

It is unfortunate that each language starts out with a certain flavor - imperative, OO, functional or whatever, and later finds itself struggling or unable to support other flavors.

A reasonable language should support and allow picking from a variety of widely practiced paradigms, techniques and styles of programming and yield to the reasonable programmer to implement a solution that fits the problem.

Or so did Bjarne Stroustoup say (something similar), of course quoting C++. He was right in every way.