New things are not always instantly accepted. Beyond skepticism, new things challenge the comfort people are accustomed to. JINQ wasnβt particularly welcomed. It was either discarded as unknown angel or worse β¦ ridiculed. However, JINQ still promises expressive succinct code. More ...
I am not a *nix commands expert β¦ but a professional? So why not relish educating my brother a couple of nifty commands, especially β find
and grep
, which he was looking into at the time. You can find a few more here if you are interested.
So much for the command line, watch out for the overdose1. I find it funny when people, especially developers, copy files on the command line on a Mac (or Ubuntu for that matter); I mean files on the local machine. Specifically, they either copy the file (Cmd-C
) via the Finder and paste it, or worse drag and drop, on the Terminal 2(/posts/text-editors-rundown/#fn-1559-2). Our next laugh is about editing local files in vim
More ...You have a list of strings with which you have generate ordered selective combinations of strings starting with the first string in the list. Let us say the list of strings is
. I have to generate ordered combinations of the above list restricted to the ones starting with abc.
JINQ (Java INtegrated Query) is an ultra minimalistic library inspired from and mimicking the .NET LINQ. While LINQ is a language level construct, JINQ is composed of types - classes and methods, but to the same effect.
I am really sorry if I tricked you into believing that Java is offering partial class feature. Unfortunately, Java doesnβt. Maybe never will. But I am going to talk about a workaround also presenting the thought process. Hence the length of the post. More ...
I am very particular about composing the content of the posts (and pages) on this blog. By content, I mean whatever goes in the body of a post/page β text, image, HTML, etc. I like to keep the content extremely clean and avoid polluting with HTML like I had to on Blogspot. With such content, it is a terrible pain to migrate blogs or render posts flawless and consistent across browsers. Blogger is notorious for that aspect1. More ...
I came across LeanPub 1 a few months back. I believe it was through hanselman2 β blog, video or something. I liked LeanPub instantly because of a couple of reasons.
I hadnβt written/published any lengthy material in a long time except the C+/CLI Primer on CodeProject4. Why not publish same, I thought, and actually published5. I wasnβt even expecting any response from anyone since the material was on C++/CLI, a language that gave me the impression that I was the only one using it at the time I published on CodeProject. π I am really impressed that the material topped more than 50 downloads in about three months since it was published. Heck, a couple of them even paid despite the fact that the material is free. Not only am I humbled by this encouraging gesture but I am also convinced that C++/CLI is still being pursued and will continue to live β production, academic or as a pet language. Go grab your copy of the booklet β C++/CLI Primer. Itβs free!
More ...
I have a separate blog β Lights Preserved where I get to claim myself a photographer, and where I publish some of my artistic snapshots. π
Nothing entertains me on a Sunday beating the nap and pecking around my old store. Published a few good snaps that brought back good memories. Take a look!
It was about a decade ago when Visual Studio .NET 2002 was launched. Having worked with Visual Studio 6 until then, the new interface was refreshing and powerful along with .NET and the suite of languages, tools and technologies. If you were there, you would have felt times were changing. Beyond the cool and modern interface, Visual Studio .NET 2002 had a lot more to offerβ compared to Visual Studio 6 ββ.NET. It was an exciting time for me back then. More ...
What are your thoughts on the following piece of code?
public String someGibberishMethod() {
int length = someMethodReturningLength();
int sum = 0;
for (int index = 0; index < length; ++index) {
// some code that updates the sum variable
SomeClass someClass = new SomeClass(sum);
int sumValueInsideSomeClass = someClass.getSumValue();
// use someText, maybe log or something
String someText = someClass.doSomeOperation(/*some parameters*/);
// use someText, maybe log or something
return someText;