SVN: Un-versioned Files and Ignore List
Use this command to get the list of files not under SVN:
svn status | grep "^\?" | awk "{print \$2}"
If one were to find the un-versioned files to ignore them from versioning, this would be handy:
svn status | grep "^\?" | awk "{print \$2}" > unversioned.txt
svn propset svn:ignore -F unversioned.txt .
rm unversioned.txt
svn ci -m "ignore list"
SVN: Show Pending Check-ins
Use this command to get the list of pending check-ins (similar to the pending check-ins in Tortoise SVN):
svn stat | grep "^[^?]"
Would be really handy and nifty if you define an alias for the above command.
SVN: (Tortoise SVN like) Show Modifications
Use this command to show what are the effective changes – those have changed on the server and also the ones that have changed locally in your code base:
svn stat –show-updates | grep "^[^?]"
Would be really handy and nifty if you define an alias for the above command.
SVN: Compare Files – Show differences side-by-side
svn –diff-cmd "diff" –extensions "-y –suppress-common-lines" diff