How I SBT - V

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So far, we have everything we need to write the build definition for a single project. Today, we’ll see another powerful feature of SBT: Multi-module builds.

Multi-module Builds

A multi-module1 build is when you have multiple projects, contrasting with the single project we saw in earlier posts. It is particularly useful for building libraries- cats or Http4s, for example.

Http4s is an open-source “suite” of libraries. The Http4s repository is not a single library but a suite of libraries built and published together. Generally, in a multi-module setup, all the libraries in the suite use a single2 version. Http4s has sub-projects such as core, client, ember-core, etc., the build definition of which you can find in the root build.sbt.

Say you want to set up a multi-module build for hamster, an imaginary open-source project. Imagine hamster has the following libraries or sub-projects: core, utils, and client. Following is the folder structure:

├── build.sbt
├── core/
├── utils/
├── client/
├── project/
    ├── plugins.sbt

Here is what would go in the build.sbt:

ThisBuild / version      := "1.2.3"
ThisBuild / organization := "hamster"
ThisBuild / scalaVersion := "2.13.15"
ThisBuild / resolvers    ++= ....
ThisBuild / credentials  := Credentials(...)

lazy val hamster =
    .settings(publish / skip := true)
    .aggregate(core, client, util)

lazy val client =
      name := "client",
      libraryDependencies ++= ...,

lazy val `core` =
      libraryDependencies ++= ...,

lazy val `util` =
      libraryDependencies ++= ...,


Let us break it down:

  • If you remember part 1, I mentioned I prefer not to litter settings globally but use the fluent API to declare my build definition. I also mentioned that there is an exception to the rule - ThisBuild
    There is one situation when I throw some settings outside the project definition fluent API pipeline - ThisBuild. I am skipping it now on purpose, but I will touch on that later.
    Think of ThisBuild as the parent scope for all the sub-projects in this build. In other words, the settings in ThisBuild shall be applied once for all the sub-projects in the build. For example, version, organization, and scalaVersion are applied once for the entire build (for all the sub-projects).
  • Generally, the root project of the sub-projects is named root. But I prefer naming it by the project’s name, hamster here, so it is easy to distinguish multiple open project windows in your IDE. It is annoying to see root in every project window.
  • The root project hamster is also a sub-project of the build. The sole purpose of the root project is to be an umbrella for the actual sub-projects - core, client and util.
  • There is no reason to publish3 the root project to the Artifactory. Hence, publish/skip:= true.
  • Note the aggregate, which is the primary reason for declaring the root project. It tells SBT to run the commands issued on the root to cascade to all the sub-projects. So, if you issue compile to the root project, the sub-projects will also be compiled. sbt compile
  • When you sbt publishLocal (or sbt publish on CI) on the root, the command is cascaded to the sub-projects, which then upon successful compilation, gets published to the local repository (or Artifactory). It is a huge convenience, primarily when published with a single version.
  • If you don’t declare a root project, sbt will automatically create a default one that aggregates all the sub-projects.
  • You can control aggregation by switching off for a particular task. Say you do not wish to publish altogether but issue individual publish commands to the sub-projects (no good reason), then you might set publish / aggregate := false:
lazy val hamster =
    .aggregate(core, client, util)
      publish / aggregate := false,
      publish / skip := true
  • The sub-projects - core, client and util, are declared in build.sbt similar to how we declared one for a single project in previous posts.
    • Note lazy val client = project.settings(...).... It is shorthand for:
    lazy val client =
        .settings(name := "client")
  • You can issue SBT commands to a single sub-project besides the root, like so: sbt 'project core' compile test
  • With such a build configuration setup, you can centralize and share settings that are common to all sub-projects. Lots of such nice things in SBT. Same level of care and discipline in build code as in application code.
  • Inter-project Dependencies: Note that client project dependsOn(core). core could depend on some other sub-project (none in hamster). By saying so, we let SBT know how our sub-projects are related. SBT uses the information to build the dependency/build graph. In other words, SBT now knows it can compile util and core before (and maybe in parallel), but can compile client only after compiling core successfully.
  • So far, we see only one build.sbt, the root. Sub-projects can have individual build.sbt, in which case the build.sbt is included in the build automatically. However, in that case, it is not possible to establish dependencies. You can test that out by compiling at the root, and you will see that client may get built before core.
  • When there is a separate build.sbt in a sub-project, the definition in the root build.sbt - lazy val core = project., references the project definition in core/build.sbt. You will use one of two models:
    • All project definition listed in /build.sbt
    • <root/build.sbt> is a simple orchestrator, while individual project definitions are under the sub-project folders.

Try going for #1 as much as possible because of its flexibility, particularly in establishing inter-project dependencies.


Multi-module builds are a powerful feature in SBT. Most open-source libraries set up their repository for multi-module builds. In my experience, SBT provides the best and most seamless support for multi-module compared to other build tools. Is it ironic to say, “You will see the truth in my bias if you use it and see for yourself”? 😀

I plan to wrap up the series next time. I will discuss some tidbits and a few final good words about SBT.

  1. Also called multi-project build. ↩︎

  2. You could use different versions if you have a good reason. Using a single version, which is generally the case with most libraries, is user-friendly. ↩︎

  3. … unless you want to use it for other tooling and automation. ↩︎

scala sbt series